
Professional Photo Retouching

December 17, 2011

Hair Retouching – Professional Beauty and Hair Photo Retouchers

This was a fun assignment. Beautiful model, good photography, but something just wasn’t right. With the right amount of retouching, cropping, color correcting, balancing her features, whether decreasing, increasing or eliminating, the image really came together nicely and is now perfect for this project.  She looks confident, sexy, natural and screams, I love my red…

December 12, 2011

Body Retouching – Retouchers

My client needed their swimwear images retouched and color corrected naturally with some pop. A lot of swimwear images whether catalog, magazine or online, are overly retouched and can distract the consumer with how unreal the model looks vs. how great the swimsuit is. When I retouch, my objective is keeping the image free from…

December 10, 2011

Beauty Retouching – Beauty Photo Retouchers

This image really shows you what a great crop, color correcting, subtle, but needed facial adjustments and retouching can really make an image marketable and stand out! So many clients may not realize how much creativity and thinking outside the box can help deliver an amazing final product. I try to save my clients from…

beauty retouching and cropping
December 6, 2011

Beauty Retouching and Cropping

As for Beauty Retouching, I cannot emphasize enough about, Cropping, Cropping, Cropping. There are many times I retouch an image and it looks gorgeous up close, but when I zoom out, something is wrong. It’s the overall space of the image. It just doesn’t work, even though it may be specifically shot with that frame…

December 2, 2011

Photo Retouching – Hair and Beauty Photo Retoucher

The retouching was a tad heavier than I normally like, but I think it works well with her hair and pose. The right crop makes you look at her beautiful face, sexy shoulders and fabulous hair. I added some warmth to her skin and hair and slightly adjusted her features. All and all…I am very…

retouching to make your image pop
November 28, 2011

Retouching to Make Your Image Pop

All this image needed was a fresh crop, nice coloring and natural retouching…that’s all. Simple, affordable and now marketable! It’s not just about photo retouching, there is so much more to an image and it’s potential. The cropping and coloring is just as essential in making your image it’s best.

November 11, 2011

Photo Retoucher Review – Testimonial from my client

The pictures I send you always come back so amazing. I love what you do to make the pictures so beautiful. Thank you for keeping the original beauty of the image, yet enhancing the overall look. It doesn’t matter if I send you music or fashion images, the clients are always happy every time. Thanks…